At last I'm done with my internship at Standard Insurance Co., Inc. My professor said that experience is a perfect learning tool because for us students, on the- job training give us a taste of the real world a glimpse of what lies ahead after we graduate. I learned a lot about what it is like to work in the corporate world and what to expect after graduation. This training made me a well-rounded individual and enables me to have an advantage in the job market. One must be hardworking and should practice self- discipline. Sacrifice is important, too. I learned to sacrifice a lot of things; I hardly have time for anything else. I learned through experience how to interact and communicate with people. It will be so exciting in the ‘real’ world, being independent and figuring things out on your own. This also means having to deal with different people more often, so it is really good to know what you’re doing, and to love it.
All we can do as students is to learn whatever we can in school, be inspired, love the path we take, and finally do our best in everything we do, with a positive outlook in mind. The whole experience I had during my training is so memorable. I was able to made renewal notice of the client, encoded release of claim of the client, encoded referral slip, searched OR and endorsement, answered phone calls, and also photocopied the necessary document of the client, entertain clients, print files, deposit an account to BPI and specially dealing with the staff. This experience gave me a lot of improvement to learn more and develop myself. No words can describe how grateful I am, for those precious ideas they have shared me throughout my job training. There are many situation that I can bear in mind forever. I enjoyed staying there for almost four months.